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Sustainability Policy


We contribute to the "creation of a rich and exciting society" through our business with local resources, placing importance on "harmony with the community and nature".

<Compliance Policy>

  • We comply with domestic and foreign laws and regulations, be fully aware of social ethics, and act with common sense and responsibility as members of society.

  • We work to reduce our impact on the natural environment and contribute to regional development and cultural heritage.

  • We do not pursue profits in violation of these action guidelines, but pursue profits through fair competition, thereby conducting business activities that are sustainable for society.

<Human Rights Policy>

  • We recognize that our business activities have the potential to affect the human rights not only of our employees, but also of our suppliers, customers, local communities, and various other stakeholders, and we respect the human rights stipulated in the United Nations International Bill of Human Rights and the International Labor Organization (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. This policy applies to all our operations and officers and employees. We also expect our business partners to support and comply with this policy.

  • We respect the diversity, personality and individuality of all stakeholders and do not tolerate any form of irrational discrimination based on birth, nationality, human rights, ethnicity, creed, religion, gender, age We do not tolerate any form of irrational discrimination based on birth, nationality, human rights, ethnicity, creed, religion, gender, age, disability, sexual orientation, employment status, hobbies, or educational background.

  • We support the right to freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining. We do not tolerate illegal child labor or forced labor in domestic or international work environments. We work against child prostitution.

  • We make our human rights policy widely known to our employees and provide ongoing education and training.

<Local Community Policy>

  • We contribute to the development of local communities by communicating with them, recognizing their needs and challenges, and working to solve them.

  • We contribute to education for children, community and cultural development, local economic development, and disaster relief.

<Environmental Policy>

  • We consider the harmonization of our business activities with the preservation of the global environment to be an important management issue, and have established an environmental management system and are committed to continuous improvement, thereby contributing to the creation of a sustainable society.

  • We comply with environment-related laws and regulations and other requirements to which the organization subscribes.

  • We promote energy and resource conservation and strive to use resources in a sustainable manner.

  • We strive to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate climate change.

  • We promote and support activities related to the protection and conservation of biodiversity and ecosystems.

  • We strive to develop environmentally friendly products, including compliance with the 3Rs of container packaging.

  • We actively disclose our environmental initiatives and strive to communicate with society.

  • We actively support employee participation in social contribution activities through educational and awareness-raising activities.

<Procurement Policy>

  • We promote activities aimed at ensuring high safety and quality.

  • We engage in activities that consider the global environment and human rights.

  • We treat all suppliers with common sense and integrity, and conduct fair and equitable transactions. In selecting suppliers, we make fair and impartial comparisons and evaluations based on quality, price, delivery time, region, environment, and other conditions.

  • We properly manage confidential and personal information obtained in procurement activities. We expect our suppliers to give equal consideration to such information, and we strive to promote such efforts throughout the supply chain.

Sustanabilty Report

​Under preparation

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